- 135,137 total downloads
- last updated 10/28/2017
- Latest version: 17.301.0
DotNetCompression v3 is a streaming compression library that enables you to easily compress and decompress streams, byte arrays or single files using the LZF4, DEFLATE, ZLIB, GZIP, BZIP2 and LZMA methods.... More information -
- 120,264 total downloads
- last updated 10/28/2017
- Latest version: 17.301.0
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding. -
- 105,751 total downloads
- last updated 10/28/2017
- Latest version: 17.301.0
Enable your applications to become high-throughput, cross-platform, full-duplex, stand-alone WebSocket servers and/or clients optimized for pushing real-time data to large number of connections. PowerWebSockets... More information -
- 73,560 total downloads
- last updated 4/8/2017
- Latest version: 17.98.0
This sample demonstrates the use of PowerWebSockets. -
- 72,531 total downloads
- last updated 4/8/2017
- Latest version: 17.98.0
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding. -
- 69,215 total downloads
- last updated 4/8/2017
- Latest version: 17.98.0
This sample demonstrates high-throughput server push by PowerWebSockets. -
- 8,478 total downloads
- last updated 6/10/2014
- Latest version: 2.105.3832
This package contains samples that demonstrate the use of the DotNetCompression library. -