- 9,907,226 total downloads
- last updated 3/19/2023
- Latest version:
AvalonEdit is the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop. -
- 2,915,998 total downloads
- last updated 11/6/2023
- Latest version:
ICSharpCode.Decompiler is the decompiler engine used in ILSpy. -
- 712,829 total downloads
- last updated 4/22/2015
- Latest version: 5.5.1
NRefactory supports analysis of C# source code: it includes a parser, abstract syntax tree, type system, semantic analysis (resolver), code completion, and several refactorings. -
- 35,353 total downloads
- last updated 5/18/2016
- Latest version: 5.0.3
Sample code for AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop. Modify your App.xaml file so the StartupUri points to the AvalonEdit Sample window: StartupUri="/Samples/AvalonEdit/Window1.xaml" -