by: bvanderveen- 364,730 total downloads
- last updated 8/15/2011
- Latest version: 0.7.2
Kayak is an event-base IO libary for .NET. Kayak allows you to easily create TCP clients and servers, and contains an HTTP/1.1 server implementation. -
- 12,488 total downloads
- last updated 5/30/2011
- Latest version: 0.9.0
An HTTP parser built with Ragel. -
by: bvanderveenWcf - 11,708 total downloads
- last updated 8/20/2011
- Latest version: 0.1.4
Gate.Wcf provides OWIN hosting support for WCF. -
- 9,463 total downloads
- last updated 8/20/2011
- Latest version: 0.1.4
Gate.AspNet provides OWIN hosting support for ASP.NET.