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4 packages returned for Tags:"psget"

    • 19,270 total downloads
    • last updated 10/16/2014
    • Latest version: 0.4.9
    • PSGet PowerShell
    PowerShell Remote deployment library for Windows Servers
    • 5,472 total downloads
    • last updated 5/15/2011
    • Latest version: 0.2.1
    • psget
    NuGet-based system for deploying PowerShell Modules
    • 3,365 total downloads
    • last updated 5/15/2011
    • Latest version: 1.0.0
    • psget
    Commands for PowerShell-CMD Interop
    • 3,014 total downloads
    • last updated 5/15/2011
    • Latest version: 1.0.0
    • psget
    Commands for PowerShell-CMD Interop