VijayAnand.MauiTemplates 3.2.0-preview.1

Prefix Reserved
This is a prerelease version of VijayAnand.MauiTemplates.
This package has a SemVer 2.0.0 package version: 3.2.0-preview.1+sha.07faf3e.
There is a newer version of this package available.
See the version list below for details.
dotnet new install VijayAnand.MauiTemplates::3.2.0-preview.1                
This package contains a .NET Template Package you can call from the shell/command line.

Project and Item Templates for developing .NET MAUI App that runs on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Tizen

Item templates for the following:

Item Template Name
ContentPage (XAML) maui-page
ContentPage (C#) maui-page-cs
ContentPage (Razor) maui-page-razor
ContentView (XAML) maui-view
ContentView (C#) maui-view-cs
ContentView (Razor) maui-view-razor
ResourceDictionary (XAML) maui-resdict
ShellPage (XAML) maui-shell
ShellPage (C#) maui-shell-cs
ShellPage (Razor) maui-shell-razor
ContentPage (XAML) with ViewModel maui-mvvm
ContentPage (C#) with ViewModel maui-mvvm-cs
Partial Class (C#) class-cs

All of these templates currently target .NET MAUI on .NET 6/7 GA and its Service Releases and .NET 8 Previews.

Install the template package from NuGet with the below command.

dotnet new install VijayAnand.MauiTemplates

If you've already installed this package, then this can be updated to the latest version with the below command.

dotnet new update --check-only
dotnet new update

Starting with v2.0.0 of the template package, to effectively support .NET MAUI on both .NET 6 and .NET 7, CLI project template defines a new parameter named framework:

Starting with v3.0.0 of the template package, CLI project template framework parameter adds .NET 8 as another option.

  • Framework: (Short notation: -f)

    This can take net6.0 / net7.0 / net8.0 as its options (with net7.0 being the default value, if not provided).


    dotnet new mauiapp -f net6.0

    Below command can be simplified to dotnet new mauiapp as default value of framework parameter is net7.0

    dotnet new mauiapp -f net7.0

    For creating a .NET MAUI App on .NET 8 Preview:

    dotnet new mauiapp -f net8.0

In .NET CLI, all of these Item Templates takes two parameters:

  • Name: (Short notation: -n)

    The name of the project/page/view to create. For pages/views, don't need to suffix it with .xaml, it will get added.

    If the name parameter is not specified, by default, the .NET CLI template engine will take the current folder name as the filename (current behaviour of the templating engine).

  • Namespace: (Short notation: -na)

    The namespace for the generated files.

    While working with .NET 7 or higher SDK, the namespace parameter in short notation needs to be passed as -p:na (i.e., it needs to be prefixed with -p:).

  • Now with more options while creating the app or class library project, ability to include NuGet packages on the fly for CommunityToolkit.Maui, CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup, CommunityToolkit.Mvvm or all.

Note: Parameter values are case-insensitive.

Both .NET MAUI App and Class Library templates take the below optional Boolean parameters to include the officially supported CommunityToolkit NuGet packages:

Specifying the parameter name, either in short or full notation, implies that it is defined.

  • -it | --include-toolkit - Default is false
  • -im | --include-markup - Default is false
  • -imt | --include-mvvm-toolkit - Default is false
  • -cc | --conditional-compilation - Default is false
Conditional Compilation

And now conditional compilation can be configured so that platform source files can be defined anywhere in the project provided they follow a naming convention as mentioned below. This will allow maintaining related source files in the same place, especially MAUI Handlers.

  • *.Standard.cs - Files targeting the BCL
  • *.Android.cs - Files specific to Android
  • *.iOS.cs - Files shared with both iOS and MacCatalyst
  • *.MacCatalyst.cs - Files specific to MacCatalyst
  • *.Tizen.cs - Files specific to Tizen
  • *.Windows.cs - Files specific to Windows

For existing projects, add the below block of code in the project file (.csproj). This will modify the behavior of build process so due care must be taken if doing so.

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' != 'net6.0'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.Standard.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.Standard.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'ios' AND $([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'maccatalyst'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.iOS.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.iOS.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
    <Compile Remove="**\iOS\**\*.cs" />
    <None Include="**\iOS\**\*.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'android'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.Android.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.Android.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
    <Compile Remove="**\Android\**\*.cs" />
    <None Include="**\Android\**\*.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'maccatalyst'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.MacCatalyst.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.MacCatalyst.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
    <Compile Remove="**\MacCatalyst\**\*.cs" />
    <None Include="**\MacCatalyst\**\*.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'tizen'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.Tizen.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.Tizen.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
    <Compile Remove="**\Tizen\**\*.cs" />
    <None Include="**\Tizen\**\*.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />

<ItemGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) != 'windows'">
    <Compile Remove="**\*.Windows.cs" />
    <None Include="**\*.Windows.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
    <Compile Remove="**\Windows\**\*.cs" />
    <None Include="**\Windows\**\*.cs" Exclude="$(DefaultItemExcludes);$(DefaultExcludesInProjectFolder)" />
All-in-One .NET MAUI App Project Template:

This takes two additional parameters to define the application design pattern and target platform respectively:

  • -dp | --design-pattern

Can take any one of the following values, with default value set to Plain:

Parameter Value Description
Plain App configured to work with a single, initial screen.
Hierarchical App configured to work in a Hierarchical pattern using NavigationPage.
Tab App configured to work in a Tabbed fashion using TabbedPage.
Shell App configured to work with Routes using Shell page.
Hybrid App configured to work in a Hybrid fashion using BlazorWebView.
Markup App configured to work with C# Markup syntax.
Razor App configured to work with Razor syntax.
Comet App configured to work with MVU pattern using Comet.
Reactor App configured to work with MVU pattern using Reactor.
  • -tp | --target-platform

Can take a combination of the following values, with default value set to All:

Parameter Value Description
All Targets all possible .NET MAUI supported platforms.
Base Targets base framework (.NET 6/7/8) based on the framework opted.
Android Targets Android platform.
iOS Targets iOS platform.
macOS Targets macOS platform via Mac Catalyst.
Windows Targets Windows platform.
Tizen Targets Tizen platform.
Mobile Targets Android and iOS platforms.
Desktop Targets Windows and macOS platforms.
Apple Targets iOS and macOS platforms.

Additional parameters supported:

MVVM is a delightful and development-friendly design pattern to work with. To support this, a new parameter has been introduced:

  • -mvvm | --use-mvvm - Default is false
  • -icb | --include-compiled-bindings - Default is false

Note: Opting for this MVVM option will not have any impact on the App created with Web-based Razor syntax or MVU based Comet.

While creating a Blazor Hybrid App, an option to abstract the Razor components as a separate Razor class library.

  • -rcl | --razor-class-library - Default is false

The target for the Windows platform can be either Package (MSIX) or Unpackaged. By default, it is set as Package, this can be overridden while creating the project by including the below parameter:

  • -wu | --windows-unpackaged - Default is false

While targeting .NET 7 or later, an option to add and configure CommunityToolkit.Maui.MediaElement, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Foldable, Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps, or all NuGet packages.

  • -ime | --include-media-element - Default is false
  • -if | --include-foldable - Default is false
  • -inm | --include-maps - Default is false

Note: If the project target .NET 6, selecting the MediaElement/Foldable/Maps option will NOT have any impact.


dotnet new mauiapp --design-pattern Hybrid --target-platform Mobile
dotnet new mauiapp -dp Shell -tp Android
.NET MAUI Class Library Project Template:

Similar to All-in-One .NET MAUI App, the Class Library project template also takes target-platform as a parameter that takes a combination from the same set of values (with All being the default value).

  • Can be created targeting .NET Razor SDK
    • Parameter name: --use-razor-sdk | -usr
  • Can be created targeting .NET MAUI Core
    • Parameter name: --use-maui-core | -umc
  • Can be created targeting .NET MAUI Essentials
    • Parameter name: --use-maui-essentials | -ume
Shared Class Library Project Template:

This takes the below optional Boolean parameters to include the officially supported NuGet packages:

Specifying the parameter name, either in short or full notation, implies that it is defined.

Single parameter to include all the supported NuGet packages:

  • -asp | --all-supported-packages - Default is false

Specific to Xamarin.Forms:

  • -ife | --include-forms-essentials - Default is false
  • -ift | --include-forms-toolkit - Default is false
  • -ifm | --include-forms-markup - Default is false

Specific to .NET MAUI:

  • -imt | --include-maui-toolkit - Default is false
  • -imm | --include-maui-markup - Default is false

Common to both:

  • -inmt | --include-mvvm-toolkit - Default is false

For more details: run this command in the terminal (use -h to save some keystrokes):

dotnet new mauiapp --help
dotnet new mauiclasslib --help
dotnet new sharedclasslib --help
Partial Class Item Template:

This item template (short name: class-cs) allows to create a C# class from CLI with support for multiple options.

Parameter Name Type Default Value Remarks
access-modifier choice public Specifies the accessibility of the class type.
base text object Specifies the base type for the class.
abstract bool false Option to create the type as abstract.
partial bool true Option to create the type as partial.
sealed bool false Option to create the type as sealed.
static bool false Option to create the type as static.

Access Modifier parameter (--access-modifier | -am):

Supported values are:

  • public (default value, if not provided)
  • internal
  • protected
  • private

After installation, use the below command(s) to create new artifacts using the template (both provide the same output):

With parameter names abbreviated:


dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Shell
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Hybrid
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Markup
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Razor
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Comet
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Reactor

Option to use MVVM:

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -mvvm
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Markup -mvvm

Option to use MVVM (Compiled Bindings):

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -mvvm -icb

Option to create Razor class library while creating Blazor Hybrid App:

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Hybrid -rcl

Option to include NuGet packages:

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Shell -it -im -imt -ime -inm -if

Option to configure conditional compilation:

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Shell -cc

.NET MAUI Class Library:

dotnet new mauiclasslib -n MyApp.Core

Option to include NuGet packages:

dotnet new mauiclasslib -n MyApp.Core -it -im -imt

Option to configure conditional compilation:

dotnet new mauiclasslib -n MyApp.Core -cc

Shared Class Library:

dotnet new sharedclasslib -n MyApp.UI

Option to include all supported NuGet packages:

dotnet new sharedclasslib -n MyApp.UI -asp


dotnet new maui-page -n LoginPage -na MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-page-cs -n HomePage -na MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-page-razor -n HomePage
Page with ViewModel:

Don't suffix anything to the name, it'll be included automatically.

dotnet new maui-mvvm -n Login
dotnet new maui-mvvm-cs -n Login


dotnet new maui-view -n CardView -na MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-view-cs -n OrderView -na MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-view-razor -n OrderView


dotnet new maui-shell -n AppShell -na MyApp
dotnet new maui-shell-cs -n AppShell -na MyApp
dotnet new maui-shell-razor -n AppShell

Resource Dictionary:

dotnet new maui-resdict -n LightTheme -na MyApp.Themes

Partial Class:

dotnet new class-cs -n BaseViewModel -b ObservableObject
dotnet new class-cs -n OrderDataStore -b IDataStore -p false -am internal

With parameter names expanded:


dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Shell
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Hybrid
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Markup
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Razor
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Comet
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Reactor

Option to use MVVM:

dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --use-mvvm
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Markup --use-mvvm

Option to use MVVM (Compiled Bindings):

dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --use-mvvm --include-compiled-bindings

Option to create Razor class library while creating Blazor Hybrid App:

dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Hybrid --razor-class-library

Option to include NuGet packages:

dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Shell --include-toolkit --include-markup --include-mvvm-toolkit --include-media-element --include-maps --include-foldable
dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp --design-pattern Shell --conditional-compilation

.NET MAUI Class Library:

dotnet new mauiclasslib --name MyApp.Core
dotnet new mauiclasslib --name MyApp.Core --include-toolkit --include-markup --include-mvvm-toolkit
dotnet new mauiclasslib --name MyApp.Core --conditional-compilation

Shared Class Library:

dotnet new sharedclasslib --name MyApp.UI
dotnet new sharedclasslib --name MyApp.UI --all-supported-packages


dotnet new maui-page --name LoginPage --namespace MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-page-cs --name HomePage --namespace MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-page-razor --name HomePage
Page with ViewModel:

Don't suffix anything to the name, it'll be included automatically.

dotnet new maui-mvvm --name Login
dotnet new maui-mvvm-cs --name Login


dotnet new maui-view --name CardView --namespace MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-view-cs --name OrderView --namespace MyApp.Views
dotnet new maui-view-razor --name OrderView


dotnet new maui-shell --name AppShell --namespace MyApp
dotnet new maui-shell-cs --name AppShell --namespace MyApp
dotnet new maui-shell-razor --name AppShell

Resource Dictionary:

dotnet new maui-resdict --name LightTheme --namespace MyApp.Themes

Partial Class:

dotnet new class-cs --name BaseViewModel
dotnet new class-cs --name OrderDataStore --base IDataStore --partial false --access-modifier internal
  • .NETStandard 2.0

    • No dependencies.

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.

Version Downloads Last updated
7.1.0 0 3/14/2025
7.0.1 103 3/8/2025
7.0.0 77 3/8/2025
6.2.0 140 1/20/2025
6.1.0 174 11/29/2024
6.0.0 76 11/19/2024
5.15.0 118 10/23/2024
5.14.0 83 10/10/2024
5.13.0 128 9/13/2024
5.12.1 117 8/15/2024
5.12.0 77 8/14/2024
5.11.0 68 8/5/2024
5.10.1 58 8/1/2024
5.10.0 76 7/26/2024
5.9.0 100 7/9/2024
5.8.0 74 7/5/2024
5.7.0 78 6/28/2024
5.6.2 92 6/13/2024
5.6.1 64 6/12/2024
5.6.0 65 6/11/2024
5.5.0 77 6/6/2024
5.4.0 244 5/22/2024
5.3.0 264 5/14/2024
5.2.1 143 4/17/2024
5.2.0 96 4/10/2024
5.1.0 410 3/12/2024
5.0.1 745 2/18/2024
5.0.0 201 2/14/2024
4.9.0 232 2/8/2024
4.8.1 617 1/18/2024
4.8.0 161 1/15/2024
4.7.0 381 1/4/2024
4.6.0 1,071 11/30/2023
4.5.0 244 11/24/2023
4.4.0 376 11/14/2023
4.4.0-preview.5 189 11/10/2023
4.4.0-preview.4 108 11/9/2023
4.4.0-preview.3 315 10/30/2023
4.4.0-preview.2 383 10/18/2023
4.4.0-preview.1 112 10/18/2023
4.3.0 296 10/13/2023
4.2.2 260 10/7/2023
4.2.1 190 10/4/2023
4.2.0 128 10/4/2023
4.1.1 154 9/26/2023
4.1.0 180 9/13/2023
4.0.1 179 8/27/2023
4.0.0 149 8/17/2023
3.6.0 155 8/10/2023
3.5.0 188 7/14/2023
3.4.1 201 6/14/2023
3.4.0 131 6/13/2023
3.3.2 179 5/18/2023
3.3.1 130 5/17/2023
3.3.0 135 5/16/2023
3.2.4 205 4/20/2023
3.2.3 152 4/17/2023
3.2.2 142 4/14/2023
3.2.1 143 4/11/2023
3.2.0 145 4/5/2023
3.2.0-preview.6 127 4/3/2023
3.2.0-preview.5 125 4/2/2023
3.2.0-preview.4 123 3/30/2023
3.2.0-preview.3 130 3/27/2023
3.2.0-preview.2 130 3/25/2023
3.2.0-preview.1 123 3/24/2023
3.1.0 190 3/23/2023
3.1.0-preview.9 124 3/20/2023
3.1.0-preview.8 130 3/18/2023
3.1.0-preview.7 129 3/15/2023
3.1.0-preview.6 124 3/14/2023
3.1.0-preview.5 126 3/11/2023
3.1.0-preview.4 121 3/9/2023
3.1.0-preview.3 128 3/7/2023
3.1.0-preview.2 125 3/4/2023
3.1.0-preview.1 125 3/3/2023
3.0.2 210 3/6/2023
3.0.1 151 3/3/2023
3.0.0 176 2/22/2023
2.4.1 160 2/17/2023
2.4.0 171 2/6/2023
2.3.1 195 1/27/2023
2.3.0 166 1/25/2023
2.2.0 198 12/19/2022
2.1.3 1,184 11/23/2022
2.1.2 383 11/18/2022
2.1.1 354 11/10/2022
2.1.0 348 11/8/2022
2.0.3 415 10/26/2022
2.0.2 413 10/25/2022
2.0.1 456 10/21/2022
2.0.0 480 10/4/2022
1.7.3 600 8/5/2022
1.7.2 633 6/17/2022
1.7.1 497 6/7/2022
1.7.0 535 5/24/2022
1.6.0 480 5/23/2022
1.5.0 538 5/12/2022
1.4.1 587 4/28/2022
1.4.0 475 4/27/2022
1.3.1 531 4/19/2022
1.3.0 522 4/14/2022
1.2.0 539 3/29/2022
1.1.3 603 2/19/2022
1.1.2 475 2/18/2022
1.1.1 485 2/16/2022
1.1.0 452 2/16/2022
1.0.8 475 2/14/2022
1.0.7 464 2/14/2022
1.0.6 487 2/1/2022
1.0.5 467 1/31/2022
1.0.4 414 11/9/2021
1.0.3 424 10/15/2021
1.0.2 1,021 8/16/2021
1.0.1 454 8/13/2021
1.0.0 392 8/12/2021

Join me on Developer Thoughts (, an exclusive blog for articles on .NET MAUI and Blazor.

What's new in ver. 3.2.0-preview.1:
While creating a Blazor Hybrid App, an option to abstract the Razor components as a separate Razor class library.

-rcl | --razor-class-library - Default value is false

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -dp Hybrid -rcl
dotnet new mauiapp --name MyApp --design-pattern Hybrid --razor-class-library


All the preview features have reached stable.


1. Introduced an item template to generate Page and its ViewModel in a single command, available for both XAML and C#.

The Page will be generated in the Views folder and ViewModel will be generated in the ViewModels folder.

Can also be overridden to generate in the same folder with the -sf | --same-folder option.

The ViewModels are generated with the base class titled BaseViewModel (implementation left to the user).

Recommended to add CommunityToolkit.Mvvm, an officially supported NuGet package, to make it easy to work with MVVM design pattern.

Since it makes use of the .NET 7 SDK feature of auto namespace resolution, so restore the project before executing the commands.

Note: Don't suffix anything to the name, it'll be included automatically.

dotnet new maui-mvvm -n Login

dotnet new maui-mvvm-cs -n Login

Output structure:






1. Added the option to use Compiled Bindings option while using the MVVM option. This will make use of the x:Bind extension instead of the Binding extension.

-icb | --include-compiled-bindings - Default value is false.

dotnet new mauiapp -n MyApp -mvvm -icb

Note: When the MVVM option is not opted-in, selecting this compiled binding option will include only the NuGet package reference.


1. Added the option to create a .NET MAUI App with the MVU pattern using Reactor.

To facilitate this, the design-pattern parameter now takes the option of Reactor.

dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -dp Reactor

Note: MVVM option won't have any impact on the App created with Reactor option as it is based on the MVU design pattern.


1. Now MVVM option works with an App created with a Hybrid design pattern also.

dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -dp Hybrid -mvvm

2. Added the option to create a .NET MAUI App with the MVU pattern using Comet.

To facilitate this, the design-pattern parameter now takes the option of Comet.

dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -dp Comet

Since this Comet is still in the PoC stage and no published roadmap for future updates. So, try it at your own risk.

Note: MVVM option won't have any impact on the App created with Comet option as it is based on the MVU design pattern.


1. MVVM is a delightful and development-friendly design pattern to work with. To support this, a new parameter has been introduced:

-mvvm | --use-mvvm and its default value is false.


dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -mvvm

C# Markup with MVVM:

dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -dp Markup -mvvm

To work with .NET 8 Previews: specify the framework parameter and its value: -f net8.0

Note: Opting for this MVVM option will not have any impact on the Web-based AppModels such as Blazor syntax (Hybrid) / Razor syntax.


1. Added the option to create a .NET MAUI App using C# Markup syntax with CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup NuGet package.

To facilitate this, the design-pattern parameter now takes the option of Markup.

dotnet new mauiapp -o MarkupApp -dp Markup

dotnet new mauiapp -o MarkupApp -f net8.0 -dp Markup


1. Fixed the build issue (#109) of the .NET MAUI class library with .NET MAUI Essentials targeting the Windows platform.

2. Added the option to create a .NET MAUI App using Razor syntax with BlazorBindings.Maui NuGet package.

To facilitate this, the design-pattern parameter now takes the option of Razor.

dotnet new mauiapp -o BlazorBindings -dp Razor

dotnet new mauiapp -o BlazorBindings -f net8.0 -dp Razor

3. Item templates for .NET MAUI ContentPage, ContentView, and ShellPage using Razor syntax.

dotnet new maui-page-razor -n SearchPage

dotnet new maui-view-razor -n OrderView

dotnet new maui-shell-razor -n AppShell

4. Ability to set the access modifier (--access-modifier | --am) while creating a C# class from CLI.

The default value is public.

dotnet new class-cs -n Routes -am internal


1. .NET MAUI App and Library project framework targets were restructured to better align with the development/build platforms.

This enables to make use of the template without any modification across OS such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

2. .NET MAUI Class Library can be created target .NET MAUI Essentials.

Parameter name: --use-maui-essentials | -ume

3. While targeting .NET 8 Preview, the Tizen platform target is commented out in the project file as a public preview of the Tizen workload is yet to be made available.

This will be re-enabled once the workload is made available.


With default values, below command creates a library project for .NET 7 with Target Platform set to All.

dotnet new mauiclasslib -o MyLib -ume

Below command creates a library project for .NET 8 with Target Platform set to Mobile (iOS and Android) and .NET 8 (Base framework).

dotnet new mauiclasslib -f net8.0 -o MyLib -ume -tp Mobile Base


1. Similar to the All-in-One .NET MAUI App, the Class Library project template also takes target-platform as a parameter that takes a combination of the following values (with All being the default value).

All      Targets all possible .NET MAUI-supported platforms.
Base     Targets base framework (.NET 6/7/8) based on the framework selected.
Android  Targets Android platform.
iOS      Targets iOS platform.
macOS    Targets macOS platform via Mac Catalyst.
Windows  Targets Windows platform via WinUI 3.
Tizen    Targets Tizen platform.
Mobile   Targets Android and iOS platforms.
Desktop  Targets Windows and macOS platforms.
Apple    Targets iOS and macOS platforms.

2. .NET MAUI Class Library can be created target .NET Razor SDK.

Parameter name: --use-razor-sdk | -usr

3. .NET MAUI Class Library can be created target .NET MAUI Core.

Parameter name: --use-maui-core | -umc

Note: .NET MAUI Essentials is a transitive dependency to .NET MAUI Core.


With default values, below command creates a library project for .NET 7 with Target Platform set to All.

dotnet new mauiclasslib -o MyLib -urs -umc

Below command creates a library project for .NET 8 with Target Platform set to Mobile (iOS and Android) and .NET 8 (Base framework).

dotnet new mauiclasslib -f net8.0 -o MyLib -urs -umc -tp Mobile Base


Fix for


1. Additional parameters added to the Partial Class (class-cs) item template.

Name        Type    Default Value   Remarks
base        text    object          Specifies the base type for the class.
abstract    bool    false           Option to create the type as abstract.
partial     bool    true            Option to create the type as partial.
sealed      bool    false           Option to create the type as sealed.
static      bool    false           Option to create the type as static.


dotnet new class-cs -n BaseViewModel -b ObservableObject

Opting out of partial feature:

dotnet new class-cs OrderDataStore -b IDataStore -p false

2. Dependent packages have been updated to their latest versions.


Templates updated for .NET 8 Preview 1.

Supported values for target framework parameter, can be specified with --framework / -f

net7.0 (the default value)


dotnet new mauiapp -f net8.0 -o MyApp

dotnet new mauiclasslib -f net8.0 -o MyLib

dotnet new sharedclasslib -f net8.0 -o MyApp.UI


1. Short name for Partial Class (C#) item template is now renamed as class-cs to avoid conflict with .NET SDK Class template (available from v7.0.200).

dotnet new class-cs -n BaseViewModel

2. While creating a .NET MAUI App, Base framework is now an option for target-platform parameter

Will be auto included when the target-platform value is set to All (the default value, if not supplied)

dotnet new mauiapp -o MyApp -tp Mobile Base

3. An item template for Shell definition in C#

dotnet new maui-shell-cs -n AppShell -p:na MyApp


1. CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup NuGet package bumped to v3.0.0 that supports TypedBindings

2. Introduced a new item template for creating a C# class (partial) from CLI

dotnet new class -n BaseViewModel


Auto binding the project's RootNamespace as the namespace for newly created class type is supported only on .NET 7 SDK or later.

While running on earlier SDK versions, it has to be manually modified.

And due to the limitation in the templating engine, only the RootNamespace would get added, need to manually adjust for sub-folders, if any.


CommunityToolkit.Maui.MediaElement NuGet package bumped to v1.0.1 with the explicit WindowsAppSDK reference removed.


1. Ability to add reference to CommunityToolkit.Maui.MediaElement NuGet package and configure it in startup pipeline for playing audio/video in a .NET MAUI app

2. Dependent packages have been updated to reference latest stable version

CommunityToolkit.Maui - v5.0.0
CommunityToolkit.Mvvm - v8.1.0


1. Template package updated to support .NET 7 SR1 (v7.0.52).

2. Base framework is also included as a target (net6.0/net7.0) to .NET MAUI App project template when the target-platform is set to All.

3. To create a XAML-only resource dictionary template, include either --xaml-only (-xo) or --no-code-behind (-ncb) parameter.


The target-platform parameter is now updated as a multi-choice value. Can be opted-in according to the need.

And little housekeeping to improve the reliability of the templates.


1. Template package updated to support newly released .NET 7 NuGet dependencies.

2. For App project targeting .NET 7, option to add and configure Maui Foldable NuGet package.

Note: If the project target .NET 6, selecting the Foldable/Maps option will NOT have any impact.


Template package updated to support .NET 7 GA release.


1. A parameter named target-platform has been introduced that takes any one of the following values (with All being the default value).

All - Targets all possible .NET MAUI supported platforms.
Android - Targets Android platform.
iOS - Targets iOS platform.
macOS - Targets macOS platform via Mac Catalyst.
Windows - Targets Windows platform.
Tizen - Targets Tizen platform.
Mobile - Targets Android and iOS platforms.
Desktop - Targets Windows and macOS platforms.
Apple - Targets iOS and macOS platforms.

dotnet new mauiapp --target-platform Mobile

dotnet new mauiapp -tp Android


Android targetSdkVersion set in accordance with the framework version selected.

.NET 7 - targetSdkVersion 33

.NET 6 - targetSdkVersion 31


Templates have been updated to support .NET MAUI on .NET 7 (RC2 - Preview release).


1. A parameter named framework has been introduced that takes either net6.0 or net7.0 as its options (with net7.0 being the default value).

dotnet new mauiapp --framework net6.0

dotnet new mauiapp -f net7.0

2. For App project targeting .NET 7, option to add and configure Maui Maps NuGet package.

Note: If project target .NET 6, selecting the Maps option will NOT have any impact.